Friday, April 30, 2010

365 days ago.

one year ago. how time flies...
on a friday night one year ago, my best friend and I were on our way to a lifetime of happiness. while things didn't go as planned that friday, there are moments I will never forget. walking to whole foods with my mother and sister to pick up flowers. my soon-to-be husband and wonderful brother-in-law scrubbing the hell out of umbrellas to make our big day special. friends and family from near and far coming to our new city/home to celebrate with us.
after months of planning, I was getting ready to marry ryan, and I couldn't have been happier.
so here we are, one year later.

a few of my favorite shots from the rehearsal...
best surprise! cookies all the way from Minnesota with our monogram.
the patrick clan. are they ready to add one more?
best parents in the whole world.

true love.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

around the house.

we've been busy at château patrick, trying to fill the house with furniture. (slowly but surely, much to ryan's chagrin. I have an idea of how I want things to get the idea.) first up, find a mantel for less than the $1,000 people on Craigslist think they can sell these things for and turn it into a headboard. after much searching and multiple follow ups, success!

ready for some sanding. ryan got to bust out the power tools, so he didn't mind this weekend project.

a few coats of white paint, and we're in business.

supervisor bailey.

all done!

while searching for the mantel on craigslist, I came across someone selling old factory carts. having seen these before at restoration hardware for a cool $1,300, the $300 "real" version on craigslist seemed like a bargain! my mission, to convince ryan this would look cool. he finally said sure, and long story short, I was in york, pa this weekend picking up our cart.

all the way from indiana! a little piece of the midwest, right in our living room.

my most favorite part. and ryan wants to paint them?! stay tuned for how this disagreement turns out...
ps - for my 3 readers out there, if you haven't checked it out yet, you should. ryan's blog: