Wednesday, July 30, 2008


if we were doing favors, this one (which is a knot pick!!) is such a cute idea.

Alison & Joe: A Formal Wedding in Atlanta, GA
Since most of their guests were from out of town, Alison and Joe gave out sterling silver luggage tags with a personalized thank-you note from the couple.
and another knot pick...

Kate & Tim: A Modern Wedding in Denver, CO
Just for fun, Kate and Tim gave each guest a mini vellum envelope with a “Kate & Tim, Lucky in Love” sticker on the front. Inside? A one-dollar lottery ticket and a penny!

Monday, July 28, 2008

the little things.

I came across these napkins the stationery studio over the weekend. and I love them. I think they would add a nice accent...personal touch. maybe even just during the cocktail hour?? and they aren't outrageously priced.

so we will may see these in May 2009!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

oh my goodness.


{image courtesy of}

MOH and bride-to-be.

it's exhausting! little sister called me a SLACKER BLOGGER though, so I will update you on some recent happenings. for her wedding.

little sister's wedding is gettin' closer and closer. earlier this month, it was time to make a decision on dresses for all the maids. we found these lovelies from nordstrom.

the issue with many "formal" dresses, we can *only* purchase them online. I attempted to try on a similar style from the same brand at an actual brick-and-mortar store. but that didn't help much since they didn't have a strapless dress in stock. but I figured I would be either a size 6 or a size 8, per usual.

so I come home and order the dresses through one of cally's friends (a nordstrom employee, obviously) and I purchase two dresses, sizes 6 and 8. I have them shipped to my apartment here in DC. even though the callbox outside our building IS NOT hooked up and I have had to chase the Fed Ex/UPS/DHL man down on more than one occasion. but I figured...I'll get it.

so I check daily to see when the dress is shipped. then I religiously check and track the package. I see that it is on the delivery truck on a lovely monday morning. I proceed to place a HUGE note on the front door of our apartment building...

DHL, I am home today!! Apt. XXX

no package.

tuesday: package on truck for delivery.

I leave *another* note on the front door. at 2:30 p.m. I check the tracking and it says something to the effect of "delivery attempted, not home" and now I am #*%^#&^ but I figure I need to get this package before it heads back to the warehouse in IA. so I call DHL and they tell me it's at the distribution center in VA, behind a costco (I am thinking the worst...) and that if I can make it there by 6:00 p.m. that night, it won't get shipped back.

ok, so I pick up the package and trek back home, call my sister and let her know that I have the dresses in my possession and will try them both on after dinner so that we can relay "the fit" of the dress to the other three maids. I try on the size 6 first, figuring if it doesn't fit then I know the size 8 will be my dress.

words cannot describe the fit of the dress...

so I call my sister, and we figure it's one of those stupid dress companies that adjusts all the sizes so that you are a much, much, much smaller size. (who are they fooling, honestly??) so the next day, I call our nordstrom friend again and tell her I now need a size 2 and a size 4. this time around though, I have them shipped to ry's office so I don't have to metro it back to VA and the lovely DHL headquarters.

the size 2 is back-ordered. probably because these dresses are oddly sized and no one knows what to order.

but the size 4 arrives right on time, and ry brings it home. I try it on, and ask for some help with the hook-and-eye so I can get it zipped up. his exact words, "tory, there is like a whole hand's worth of space..." yea, this puppy wasn't fitting.


so I take out the size 6 that is nicely packed in it's box, ready to go back to nordstrom. turns out, the tag on the outside says "6" but the tag INSIDE the dress (the one that really matters) says "16" - plain. as. day. so I try on the size 8 and guess what?! IT FITS!!

so I call little sister, tell her the drama. she (and ry) ask why I didn't initially look at the tag inside the dress. I explain that I did...but because I thought it was a size 6 and in my defense, there was a "6" on the tag (with a "1" in front of it!) I didn't even think that it was 10 SIZES TOO BIG!! and then I never tried on the size 8 because I figured if the size 6 was like a potato sack, the 8 would have just been comical.

all in all, the dress debacle has been sorted out. and all the maids have ordered the correct sizes, which hopefully should be arriving any day now. and I have since returned the size 16 dress to a nordstrom here, where the saleslady apologized profusely for the warehouse's mistake.

and my mother says we will look back on this as one of the memories of this whole "wedding planning" process, and laugh. these are the important moments. these are the times we will treasure for years and years to come.